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来源:2exam.com 2014-9-1 9:55:16


  An article in a newspaper once said: "As China strives to develop its western area, some effective measures should be taken to improve forestry in the region." Write an essay of about 120 words, stating what effective measures should be adopted to improve forestry in the western area.


  Over the past 10 years, China has made much headway in its afforestation and soil conservation. For instance, the national forest acreage has increased by 13.7 million hectares since the fourth national survey on forest resources in 1990. Despite these great achievements, some serious problems still remain to be solved such as how to improve forestry in the western area in the course of its economic development.

  Forestry build-up in the west is a long-term task. In order to have this goal materialized, I think some concrete and effective measures should be taken immediately. For example, to protect the natural environment of the west, some previously cultivated areas should be returned to forest and grassland. In the course of improving forestry, some strict laws should made and their enforcement must be guaranteed. Those who violate forest protection laws must be severely punished. Only by taking these effective measures can forestry in the western area be improved.

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